Saturday, October 11, 2014

DIY Menu Board

My husband and I are terrible planners!!  Our idea of planning ahead for dinner is asking the other "What's for dinner?" at 4:00 each day. As you can imagine, this impacts our budget in a big way. Finally, I said no more!  So, each Sunday for the last 4 weeks, we've sat down and made a meal plan for the week. And, a grocery list to go with it. I'm pretty impressed with how well we've stuck to it. Of course, in about 3 weeks, 6' Wonder's high school basketball season will be starting and life will be crazy again. If we can stick to it during those 4 months, we will have earned a prize!  

Now that we've got the planning portion of it worked out, we need to get the communication portion worked out. What we've been doing is using the Notes app on my phone. I love this app, it's convenient and easy to use. I'll still use it, but I need a way to help us both remember what we planned, and let 6' Wonder know what the plan is as well. 

As usual, whatever I do has to be CHEAP!  In this case, I'm going for F R E E. 

What I used:
Large cork bulletin board
Black spray paint
Brown craft paper
Mod Podge
Wood clothespins
Scrapbook paper
Elmer's Glue
Thumb tacks
Plastic box the thumb tacks came in
Burlap ribbon
Satin ribbon
Hot glue gun/glue

I started with this cork board. I've had it for years, had actually spray painted it black about a year ago thinking I would use it if it were black, and not old worn out brown. Well, I finally got around to using it!  

But, I didn't want the whole thing black.  I considered Mod Podging some fabric to it. But, decided I would try a stencil first. Can you say FAIL? Back to the drawing board. Then, I remembered the roll of brown craft paper...yup, that's it. So, I painted the whole cork area with a good coat of Mod Podge. 

You can see my attempt at stenciling here, it doesn't look so bad in this pic, but that's because the worst of it is cut off. I had measured and cut a piece of the craft paper to fit inside the framed area. About this time, 6' Wonder came in and asked what I was doing. So, I recruited her to help. We laid the paper on the cork, and rubbed out as many of the air bubbles as we could. This paper is very thin, dollar store thin. So, it wrinkled on the Mod Podge. But, I actually like that. 

I let the bottom layer dry for a while, then brushed several coats of Mod Podge on top. I used the matte Mod Podge. 

 Left this to dry for a few hours and moved on to my computer. I typed out several entree items that we frequently eat, and the days of the week and printed them out on white cardstock. 

I also pulled out the clothespins and some decorative scrapbook paper. I cut little strips of the paper and used Elmer's Glue to glue the strips to the clothespins. 

Keep in mind, I haven't bought a single thing for this project at this point, so I'm well on track for keeping it F R E E. 

While the glue is drying, I start cutting out my cardstock prints. 

Once the Mod Podge had dried on the cork board, I felt like it needed some trimming. The paper still dried kinda wrinkly, but I'm ok with that. Gives it dimension and character. Yeah, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. I plugged in the hot glue gun, and pulled out some burlap ribbon I had. I used the glue gun to glue the burlap ribbon around the edge, had exactly the right amount for this!

Then, I added some thin satin ribbon I had as well. I used some sparkly thumb tacks in the corners. 

A close up:

So far, I love it!  

Next, I used the glue gun to glue some plain thumb tacks to the backs of the clothespins. 

I needed something to hold my little entree cards in. I decided to try to cut the clear plastic box that my decorative thumb tacks had come in, and Mod Podge some scrapbook paper to it to decorate it. 


I just wrapped the paper around it kinda like a present, I just didn't cover the back since it will be pinned to the cork board. 

Then, I laid it all out on the cork board the way I wanted it to look, and started tacking things on. 

I printed out a shopping list too.  I find it's nice to have one posted somewhere so that everyone can write down items they want or need when they think of them. I clipped them on the board as well, and stuck a Sharpie in the box to use. 

I really, really like how it turned out. And, best of all it was F R E E!  I didn't have to buy anything to make it. SCORE!!  I keep working to get this family organized, and this is one step closer to my goal. Of course, by the time I reach my goal, 6' Wonder will be off playing basketball in college and it will just be me and the hubby so the need for organization won't be as great. But, oh well. I'm having fun doing it anyway. It took most of a Saturday in between doing other things around the house. Not too bad. 

So, how do you manage meal planning for your family? Any good recipes you wanna share?  

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